Tag: Donor Gifts

4 Solid Direct Mail Marketing Tips

When you are having a huge sale, or when you just want to drum up some more business, direct mail marketing is a great way to generate enough revenue to open that next location. Regardless of your product, cause, or service, direct mail marketing can be exceptionally effective, if properly executed. Some people may be… Read more »

Make People WANT To Open Your Mail

Direct Mail Marketing is here to stay, and still one of the best ways to get your message across. But if your recipients don’t open your mail, it is all for naught. So you must construct a strategy to make the most of your marketing, make the envelopes inviting, and make your target demographic curious… Read more »

Great Donor Gifts Your Readers Will Actually Want

Here’s a question for those organizations and charities who receive donations: “What do you do for your readers or donors when they make generous contributions to your cause?” Gift giving goes a long way in stating your appreciation when others donate their time and money. When a person donates to your cause, they want to… Read more »