Here’s a question for those organizations and charities who receive donations: “What do you do for your readers or donors when they make generous contributions to your cause?” Gift giving goes a long way in stating your appreciation when others donate their time and money. When a person donates to your cause, they want to know that their support has a positive impact.
When it comes to choosing a gift, does it convey your appreciation and will your donors want it? While there are many products that could easily help you say “Thank You”, it can be difficult to find a gift that really says and expresses your gratitude.
Some unique donor gift ideas that are meaningful can include:
- Monogrammed tote bags. You can monogram the organization’s logo for recognition, plus the recipient will be able to use the product.
- An invitation to a free event honoring their generosity. Regardless of the cause, you can celebrate your donor’s contribution with a delicious meal and entertainment.
- Custom stationary is always a good gift idea because it’s very useful for sending letters or for jotting down daily to-dos or grocery lists. A simple company logo at the top offers just the right amount of remembrance without overdoing it.
- Lastly, how about letting your donors choose if and what gift they’d like? Some donors feel that a simple “Thank you for your generosity” is enough while others wouldn’t mind a little trinket of appreciation.
To reach out to your contacts in a timely, cost-effective and convenient method of direct mail, contact One Plus Mail today.