4 Solid Direct Mail Marketing Tips

When you are having a huge sale, or when you just want to drum up some more business, direct mail marketing is a great way to generate enough revenue to open that next location. Regardless of your product, cause, or service, direct mail marketing can be exceptionally effective, if properly executed. Some people may be skeptical as many people utilize email and the internet, but think about your own email. How many emails do you delete each day without even opening them? If you were to utilize direct mailing techniques people are more likely to open and look at a physical piece of mail then an easily deleted email. Below are easy steps to making your next marketing plan a success.


The best way to research is to learn from other people’s mistakes. Gather all the direct mail advertisements you have received recently and pick the things you like about them and things you do not like. Analyze what colors and designs catch your eye and which ones you would just toss out typically.

Determine Your Target Audience

From whom are you trying to acquire business? Are you trying to appeal to brides for a photography business or a roofing company looking to do some big repairs? Think about the age, gender, and interests of your readers.

Create and Re-Create your Ad

If you have creative talents then start putting together what you think will be the perfect advertisement. Then after you create it recreate it, your first try will never be your final. If you do not have the ability, there are many talented companies out there to help you.

Obtain Contact Information

This can be done a few different ways. You can gather client information with promotions you have run within your store or referrals from past clients. You could also buy a mailing list. These are specifically designed to target the people you need and want business from.

Proofread and Test

Before sending out your direct mail marketing campaign, look over your masterpiece one last time and check for any errors. Also test them with friends and family members; they may see something you did not. You can make plenty of mistake  and never realize; a second pair of eyes is always good. You do not want to have to reorder and resend all these because you printed them with your own personal phone number instead of the business phone number.