Category: Direct Mail Marketing

Make People WANT To Open Your Mail

Direct Mail Marketing is here to stay, and still one of the best ways to get your message across. But if your recipients don’t open your mail, it is all for naught. So you must construct a strategy to make the most of your marketing, make the envelopes inviting, and make your target demographic curious… Read more »

Connect With Your Donors: Why Do People Donate?

Americans donate billions of dollars each year to various charity organizations. For many, the main reason is certain tax deductions. However, what are the core reasons people choose to donate their money to charity organizations? There are as many reasons for donating, as there are people, but there has to be some common shared inner… Read more »

The Marketing Benefits of Freemiums

According to, “The term freemium is coined using two powerful words – ‘Free’ and ‘Premium’. It describes a business model where you give away a core product for free and then generate revenue by selling premium products to a small percentage of free users.” For example, say you accept an offer from HBO for… Read more »

Direct Mail: Just as Efficient as Google for Small Businesses

Direct mail marketing specialist, Craig Simpson, thinks that it’s a mistake for small business owners to believe that Google is the best marketing tool for them. He says, “The truth is, more commerce and wealth is created by direct mail than any other media.” Simpson, along with Dan S. Kennedy has written The Direct Mail… Read more »

Great Donor Gifts Your Readers Will Actually Want

Here’s a question for those organizations and charities who receive donations: “What do you do for your readers or donors when they make generous contributions to your cause?” Gift giving goes a long way in stating your appreciation when others donate their time and money. When a person donates to your cause, they want to… Read more »

Five Unique Ways to Attract Donations

Five Unique Ways to Attract Donations Running a business or non-profit organization is hard work, and though it comes with its rewards, owners must always be thinking of new and creative ways to gather donations. Of course, getting on the phones and making calls to request donations, or to sign up new donors, is always… Read more »

5 large Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing

Direct Mail Marketing is Not Dead! Direct mail marketing is very much alive, and thriving! It’s understandable to think why it could be dead, with the recent explosion of technology this past decade. Most people are skeptical about this because of the efficiency of email marketing, but truthfully, direct mail marketing works perfectly when coupled… Read more »